Zambia Agrees to Pay Hunting Fees to Rural Communities...
Lusaka, Zambia - Communities in Zambia will receive the ZMK19.8 million in hunting fees that was owed to those living in hunting areas.
Zambia’s Minister for Tourism and Art, Hon. Ronald Chitotela, confirmed that the Zambian Government will release these funds in statement made at the Ministry on 20 February, 2020. Six traditional chiefs, including Senior Chief Luembe, were also in attendance during this announcement.

Hon. Chitotela spoke of the importance of community involvement in the conservation of wildlife, and highlighted the role that communities play in protecting animals from threats such as poaching.
Senior Chief Luembe also underlined the activities of traditional leaders, who are involved in managing encroachments, poaching and fishing rights.
On the topic of motivation, Chieftainess Msoro said that this move by the Government of Zambia will provide incentives for community scouts, which in turn will increase tourism earnings and development. It was mentioned that these scouts have been fulfilling their conservation duties for the past 19 months without payment.
The International Council for Game and Wildlife Conservation (CIC) would like to congratulate its State member, the Republic of Zambia for agreeing to release these funds to their rural communities. Providing incentives for communities to conduct conservation activities is a foundational principle of sustainable use, and supporting these frontline workers should be a top priority for all countries that employ sustainable use as part of their wildlife management strategy.
Source: Ministry of Tourism and Art, Republic of Zambia
The International Council for Game and Wildlife Conservation (CIC) is a politically independent advisory body promoting the sustainable use of wildlife resources. CIC Mission: The CIC promotes, on a global scale, sustainable hunting as a tool for conservation, while building on valued traditions. CIC Vision: A world that values and supports sustainable hunting for the benefit of people and nature. The international organization was officially established in Paris in 1930, and it unites Members States, universities, organizations, associations as well as individuals from 86 countries on 5 continents.
For more information: Gabriella Kanyok, Communications Officer,, +36 23 45 38 30
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