TGDF Council of Presidents convened in Istanbul...
Federation of Food and Drink Industry Associations of Turkey (TGDF) met in Istanbul on January 15 with the Board of Directors. The developments in the economy were on the main agenda of the Board of Presidents, which started with the opening speech of TGDF President Şemsi Kopuz.
TGDF President Kopuz: We spent a year in the shadow of difficulties
In the opening speech of the meeting, Şemsi Kopuz said, “Unfortunately, we have left another year behind in the shadow of wars, tensions and global challenges… Unfortunately, our Agriculture and Food sectors were also negatively affected by these difficulties and tensions from time to time.
TGDF Academy was launched...
The first of these was that TGDF pioneered further training activities; In this way, we have established TGDF Academy. Our goal is to contribute to the qualified workforce and support our businesses for a more productive, happier human resource.

Another important task was the subject of 'Combating Information Pollution'. Our members of the Board of Directors took the initiative and brought the issue to the agenda of the Industry Liaison Board.
New members of TGDF NİSAD and ABÜDER...
2019 was a year in which participation to TGDF continued. The Starch Industrialists Association, whose short name is NİSAD, joined us. Packaged Spice Producers Association ABÜDER has also applied to join TGDF after the General Assembly.

It is a pleasure to see that we are taking firm steps towards becoming an increasingly larger and stronger family. "
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