Interfresh Eurasia, the only Fair of Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Sector, opened its doors...
The unique exhibition of the sector which brought in 2 billion 325 million dollars to Turkey last year as fresh fruits and vegetables, Interfresh Eurasia 2019 Fresh Fruit, Vegetables, Storage, Packaging and Logistics Fair opened its doors in Antalya.
Exhibitors from 26 countries and more than 600 business people within the scope of the exhibition welcomed fresh fruit, vegetable manufacturers and suppliers, as well as logistics services providers and packaging, packaging, storage industry companies.
“Interfresh National Fair of Our Sector"
Opening ceremony held by the Governor of Antalya Münir Karaloğlu, Aegean Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Exporters Association Chairman Hayrettin Uçak, Antexpo General Manager Murat Özer, Antexpo Board Member Uğur Fora.
Uçak stated that Interfresh Eurasia Fair is the only fair in the sector and therefore very important. Pointing out that Turkey realized 2 million 200 thousand tons and 1 billion 355 million dollars of fresh fruits and vegetables in value in the first 9 months of 2019. So the way to increase exports is only passing through such fairs," Uçak said.
Tropical fruits to the world from Antalya...
Antalya Governor Münir Karaloğlu emphasized that Antalya produces 6.5 million tons of fresh fruit and vegetables every year and the majority of it was exported. Karaloğlu noted: “We have recently tended to tropical fruits. Banana, avocado, mango and pataya production is on the agenda. Greenhouse cultivation is progressing and it will reach 20-25 thousand decares only in Manavgat in 5 years. If this goes, we can be an important country in the export of bananas besides the domestic market."

Antexpo Board Member Uğur Fora also said that they are trying to make Turkey and Antalya centre of fresh fruits and vegetables sector. "We will carry our fair to a better point by putting it on year after year. I would like to thank everyone who contributed to this and all institutions and organizations," he added.
The exhibition, which displays the products of more than 100 brands, hosts more than 600 purchasing delegations from 26 countries...
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