Chairman of Agricultural Development Foundation Mehmet Taşan has made a written statement and emphasized the importance of World Food Day celebrated on 16th of October every year...
Press release...
In parallel with the world population growth, meeting the food needs has made the agricultural sector one of the most strategic sectors of the century. There is no substitute source for the agricultural sector that produces food and raw materials necessary for human survival and nutrition.
The most basic human right is the physical and economic access to sufficient, healthy, safe and nutritious food in order to meet the nutritional needs of an individual in order to maintain an active and healthy life.

Societies that cannot produce food cannot be fully independent and free. It should not forget that the way of our freedom is to meet our food with national means.
Although human beings produce enough food to feed the whole of the world's population every year, nearly 800 million people in the world still suffer from hunger. Waste, losses, wars and unfair distribution of food are among the most important factors in the continuation of hunger.
Our country has a very advantageous position in food production compared to many countries due to its geographical location, climate conditions, young population and expanding domestic and foreign markets.
In another aspect, food can be the source of many microbiological, chemical and physical hazards. Every year millions of people are exposed to diseases due to food-borne factors and therefore die. If the necessary precautions are not taken, disease agents and chemical pollutants that may be transmitted to food at every stage of the food chain extending from production to consumption, including primary production, make food dangerous to human health. Reliable food and healthy nutrition will also save on health expenses.
In the studies on food safety, it is of utmost importance for the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Universities, non-governmental organizations, producer associations and cooperatives to develop cooperation with the sector and to adopt the awareness of preferring and consuming reliable food by all segments of the society. Everyone as a society has responsibility for reliable food and healthy eating.
Considering climate change, special attention should be paid to this issue in agricultural R & D activities aimed at producing under changing climatic conditions, and the use of soils used in agricultural activities for non-agricultural purposes should be absolutely prevented.
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