Turkish Agricultural Machinery for the world's farmers' needs of quality and efficiency...
Who We Are...
TARMAKBİR, The Turkish Association of Agricultural Machinery & Equipment Manufacturers, is an initiative of Turkish private sector that found in 1978. Being the representative of the Turkish agricultural machinery industry, currently it has more than 200 member companies those are senior manufacturers of tractors and agricultural equipments.
TARMAKBİR is one of the oldest member associations in “Mechanical Industry Sector Platform of TURKEY” and has been entitled to use the word “Turkish” at the beginning of its title by a former decision of the Turkish Council of Ministers.
Being in a continuous interaction with governmental bodies and national & international organizations, TARMAKBİR serves as a common platform for the industry and supports its members through regulations, technical and scientific improvements, commercial issues, and data providing.
Membership List of TARMAKBİR;
Turkish Agricultural Mechanization Committee, Machinery Technical Committee, Agricultural Machinery Sub-Committee, Tractor Technical Sub-Committee, Turkish Machinery and Equipment Manufacturing Assembly, Turkish Mechanical Industry Platform, Machinery Working Group, DEİK Foreign Economic Relations Board.
AGRIEVOLUTION Global Alliance of Agricultural Machinery Manufacturer Associations, CEMA European Agricultural Machinery, ReCAMA Regional Council of Agricultural Machinery Associations in Asia and the Pacific.
TARMAKBİR also co-operates with universities and technology transfer offices to improve R&D capacity of its members. Among others, one of the current most important co-operation of TARMAKBİR is as follows;
Academic Advisory Group...
Established in 2013 as an initiative of TARMAKBİR; the aim of this group is to improve university-industry co-operation, inform TARMAKBİR members about public or private sector granted new projects and as well as new university projects, and search collaboration opportunities for R&D efforts of TARMAKBİR members.

Group also attends to seminars, conferences or workshops within Turkey or abroad to share information on innovations and technological developments.
By favour of these memberships and collaborations, TARMAKBİR intends to provide its members with;
• an ability and awareness to manufacture high quality and safe machinery in accordance with relevant regulations and standards,
• updated knowledge on regulations and amendments, technology and innovation, market trends and trade opportunities,
• a chance to be aware and benefit from governmental supports and grants,
• a platform where sector problems and solutions discussed,
• short and long term sector strategies,
• an improved project cycle management ability,
To achieve these targets, TARMAKBİR organizes or participates in seminars, meetings and congresses where industry, academia and public representatives gather. Additionally, TARMAKBİR monitors and announces to its members anything that would be beneficial such as national and international improvements, exhibitions, tender notices and news.
The Voice of the Turkish Ag Machinery Industry Also in the International Arena
To represent the Turkish agriculture machinery industry also out of the country, TARMAKBİR is a member to three international umbrella organizations those gather local ag machinery associations.
AGRIEVOLUTION, Global Alliance for Agriculture Equipment Manufacturing Associations
Agrievolution Alliance was established in April 2012 to facilitate collaboration within the agriculture equipment manufacturing industry among important agricultural regions of the world. Currently it has 14 member associations from South & North America, Europe, and Asia & the Pacific regions of the world.
The mission of the Alliance is to organize summit events where the present and future situation of agriculture and agricultural machinery is discussed globally; to conduct economic studies (national reports, surveys, and statistical data exchanges) regarding the moods and conditions of agricultural machinery industry worldwide; and to improve the communication of stakeholders. The Alliance was launched on the shared belief that; in today's global agricultural economy, it is crucial that current issues and future challenges be viewed from a global perspective and be addressed on a global basis.
The Alliance, until now, has organized 6 summit events in different parts of the world under the host ownership of its member associations. The summits have given the opportunity to private sector, academicians, international organizations like FAO and the World Bank, and governmental bodies to introduce themselves and to discuss today and tomorrow of agriculture and agriculture machinery. The first summit was held in 2008 in Rome, and the last one in 2017 in Wuhan. The next summit will be hosted by ANSEMAT in Spain.
The members of the alliance are ABIMAQ (Brazil), AEA (UK), AEM (USA), ANSEMAT (Spain), AXEMA (France), CAMDA (China), CEMA (EU), FEDERUNACOMA (Italy), FICCI (India), JAMMA (Japan), KAMICO (Korea), ROSAGROMASH (Russia), TARMAKBİR (Turkey) and VDMA (Germany).
TARMAKBİR is one of the founding members of Agrievolution Alliance.
CEMA, European Agricultural Machinery...
As the name implies, CEMA represents agriculture machinery industry on a European level. It is one of the oldest umbrella organizations of the industry, and currently it has 10 national member associations from European countries.
Based in Brussels, Belgium, the capital of EU, CEMA is renowned for bringing the voice of European agriculture machinery manufacturers to EU law makers and other relevant international organizations. It operates as a common platform where EU legislations are discussed between public and private bodies as to optimize the legislative framework to fit the needs of the industry and unlock its capacity towards technological development. Throughout its 10 national associations, CEMA represents more than 4.000 European ag machinery manufacturing companies.
The members of CEMA are VDMA (Germany), FEDERUNACOMA (Italy), AXEMA (France), AEA (UK), AGORIA (Belgium), ANSEMAT (Spain), DAI (Denmark), FEDECOM (Netherlands), FMMI (Austria), and TARMAKBİR (Turkey).
TARMAKBİR is a member to CEMA since 2015.
ReCAMA, Regional Council of Agricultural Machinery Associations in Asia and the Pacific
Being a younger organization compared to Agrievolution and CEMA, ReCAMA aims to gather national agriculture machinery industry associations those are active in Asia and the Pacific countries. Backed by CSAM (Centre for Sustainable Agriculture Mechanization) under ESCAP (Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific) of the United Nations, the organization targets to improve the capacity of the national associations, enhance agricultural productivity in relevant countries, promote trade & communication among stakeholders, and data & knowledge sharing.
ReCAMA currently has 15 member associations from Mongolia, China, India, Malaysia, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Russia, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Turkey, and Vietnam.
TARMAKBİR is a member since 2016.
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