Eskişehir Provincial Director of Agriculture and Forestry Dr. Emine Sever announced, along with the result of ongoing studies, the establishment of Buffalo Breeders Association in Eskisehir.
Dr. Sever said that the buffalo breeding panel held for breeders three months ago, gave positive results in a short time.
She reminded that during the buffalo breeding panel, buffalo breeding system would start to be implemented under the umbrella of "Buffalo Producers Association" by organizing the producers and new investors who might start in the urban countryside of Eskişehir.
With the establishment of Eskişehir Buffalo Breeders Association, the existing number of rootstock buffalo to be lifted to at least 900 from 294. "As a result of this progress, Eskişehir will be taken into provinces which 'People's Hand Buffalo Breeding Project' implemented" she added.
Entering into the provinces of the project implemented in Eskişehir, the total amount of support to be paid to a buffalo and a young calf will be one thousand and 900 liras.
Sever, stressed that this support will contribute to the development of buffalo breeding in the province.
"As the Provincial Directorate, they have always been with the breeders and expressed our satisfaction with the establishment of Buffalo Breeders Association in such a short time" she concluded...

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