Press release...
"We are 11 years ahead of the US, 13 years of Canada and 14 years of the EU"
Turkey has become a leading country in the world with trans fat-free period that started 12 years ago.
Turkey has scored a success story by eliminating trans fats in food, thus set an example in this field which has been on the world agenda.
Along with voluntary implementation of Culinary Products and Margarine Industrialists Association (MÜMSAD) member companies, level of trans fat in margarine has been under 1 percent for 12 years in Turkey, which is accepted as 'no' by international scientists.
Turkey, with the application of this voluntary practise, has managed to succeed taking place ahead of USA, Canada and EU by having achieved the 2023 target of World Health Organization (WHO) without waiting for legal procedures.
Turkey is ahead of many countries in the world...
The trans free period on a federal basis will begin in August 2018 in the United States, and will come into play in the EU and Canada in 2020 and 2021. In 2005, the other leading country in Australia, under the leadership of the Australian Heart Foundation, it was reduced to below 1 percent. There is no legal regulation in this country. A similar example of this successful volunteer practice in Australia has come into effect in Turkey under the leadership of MÜMSAD. Since the year of 2007 also in Turkey, trans fat margarine produced by MÜMSAD member companies has been under the limit of 1 percent.
We captured the target 16 years ago...
Stating that being happy because of having captured the target of WHO 16 years ago, MÜMSAD Chairman Metin Yurdagül said: "According to new legislation prepared by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry and will be effective from 2020 limit of trans fat determined by 2 percent in Turkey as of EU."
We are 14 years ahead of EU...
"We also thank the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry and the Ministry of Health for their discreet guidance. In this regard, we are delighted that our country not only reaches half of the globally targeted level but is 11 years ahead of the USA, 13 years of Canada and 14 years of the European Union" Metin Yurdagül conncluded...

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