In the city of Şanlıurfa, Southeastern Anatolia Project Agricultural Research Institute (GAPTAEM) engineers are working on the improvement of local seeds.
GAPTAEM engineers, who have been working to develop local malt seeds since 2010 within the scope of "Gap Region Barley Breeding Research, have developed a new barley variety that is more resistant to diseases than other varieties after 9 years of efforts. The new variety called "Ayhan" was registered by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Seed Registration Certification Directorate.
GAPTAEM Director Ibrahim Halil Çetiner said, "Adapting to the climate conditions of the region, resistant to diseases, efficient, quality local seeds continued to develop the work."
Stating that they have improved a new type of domestic barley within the scope of studies Çetiner, "Maltese barley 'Ayhan', yield guarantee and quality will leave behind many seeds as a new variety. We hope that this type of barley will take place in the production pattern of our region, local and will inherit the next generation as a national seed" he said.
Çetiner also noted that they have developed varieties thanks to the location of foreign origin in Turkey seed left to local and national seed, would contribute greatly to the economy of the country stressed the efficiency of new seed varieties.
With its yield, it surpassed other varieties...
Ali Ilhan, an agricultural engineer who develops barley variety, said that farmers have difficulty in finding seeds in Southeastern Anatolia Region from time to time.
Stating that they are working to close the gap in domestic and quality seeds, İlhan, "We have registered our first barley variety as a result of ongoing breeding studies for about 10 years. This barley we registered with the name of 'Ayhan' can be evaluated both for the desired values for malt industry and for animal feed. A kind with quality values. With its yield in irrigated and dry farming, it surpassed all existing barley varieties" he added.A new barley variety, "Ayhan" developed in Şanlıurfa, one of Turkey's most important agricultural centres, which comes to the fore with cohesion and high efficiency in demanding conditions.

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