A frightening news comes from Giresun, one of the important agricultural products in foreign exports. Giresun Chamber of Agriculture Chairman Nurittin Karan said, "We consider that the yield for hazelnuts will be reduced by 50 per cent in the gardens of some farmers who don't carry out agricultural struggle against powdery mildew."
The disease began to show itself in serious sense indicating that Karan, progress has been made with the fight for 5 years, but the effect of the disease still continues, he said.
Stating that they have been giving warnings to farmers continuously since 2014, Karan also noted: "We are constantly warning about powdery mildew. Even though we have struggled for 5 years, it continues to show its effect even if there is a decrease in the disease. Due to water shortage and sloping land in our region, we are having difficulty in spraying because of our farmers' old age."
The difference between sprayer and non-sprayer is significant...
Karan pointed out that the differences between the farmer and the farmer who do not apply are visible.
"At a certain turn our farmers are spraying, but they can see the difference between the parcel next to it and their own. There is no shedding sprayed next to our producer, hazelnuts are better, more mature, better quality, but the other producer's garden did not pesticide, we saw serious spills occur. We want those who have some predictions regarding the whole yield to see this situation" he added.
"There exist diseases so that the hazelnut growers should not say having the crop before entering the sack. We think that there will be a 50 percent decrease in the gardens of our producers who do not make agricultural struggle in the coming days. That's why our producers should struggle with powdery mildew not to wait too long” he said.
Karan also talked about yield, hazelnut is seen as good now, but in the coming days the announced crop amount will be revised. Finally he stressed serious illnesses might occur due to diseases.

Giresun Chamber of Agriculture Chairman Nurittin Karan
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