DKİB (Eastern Black Sea Exporters Association) Chairman Saffet Kalyoncu, in a statement to reporters, said that Turkey has a rich variety of plants and flora...
He said: "Unfortunately foreign markets found out this unique speciality of Turkey very recently. But this situation has spurred the honey export in the 5-month period of this year that amounts to 10 million 456 thousand 342 dollars of income."
Kalyoncu emphasized that Turkish honey is now exported as a 'branded product' and continued as follows: "According to the plant diversity, plant characteristics of the regions and honey produced from these plants can be promoted by introducing the enzyme and useful nutrient sources and thus honey export can be easily increased. In addition, we believe that the export of honey will be improved with the geographical markings registered and also the branded products are improved."
"The most important reason for this increase with the brand and quality products and effective control in this area should not be compromised. Besides with the brand and quality, by-products of beekeeping should not be neglected and by investing in honey and beekeeping products, no doubt that we will be exporting much more" Kalyoncu added...

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