The panel of "Scientific Facts about Bread" was held at Ayvansaray University Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences Department of Gastronomy and Culinary Arts in Istanbul...
Speakers in the panel held at the University Ayvansaray Campus, discussed on "Has wheat genes been genetically modified?", "How widespread is Gluten sensitivity?" and "How much additives a bread contains?"
Speaking at the opening of the panel Ayvansaray University Institute of Science and Head of the Department of Gastronomy Prof. Dr. Haydar Özpınar, expressed that there are many different opinions about bread, people used to eat non-bread in the past now but now they ran away from it.
Özpınar said that every topic about bread would be discussed at the panel and stated, "I spent 16 years abroad. I stayed in Germany for a long time. There are German breads. Most of those breads consumed in Italy are pastries. Pizzas and pastas are famous. It is impossible for people to live. The average life in Germany is around 80. People are long-lived anymore. We should argue this misinformation here."
Pointing out that wheat protein profile distribution terms will be examined for the first time in Turkey in September collaborated with the University of Potsdam in Germany, Özpınar voiced that they will reveal whether the allergen proteins exist in wheat.
"No GMO in wheat"
Hacettepe University, Department of Food Engineering Member Dr. Hamit Köksel also said that people who are not experts at bread and wheat should not talk about it.
Underlining that there are genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in plants in different countries around the world, Köksal explained:
"There are GMOs in some products such as corn and soy but not in wheat. Because wheat is a unique plant due to its genetic structure. You cannot produce GMO with high profitability in Anatolia. Anatolia is the homeland of wheat. First grown here. When we go to nature, we see the foreign forms here. There is so much diversity that we can choose from and use them for different products as we wish. The genes of wheat have not been manipulated. Unfortunately, those who talk about it say numbers like 43, 49. It is not possible to have a single number of genes."
"Celiac patients should not consume foods containing wheat, barley or rye"
Internal Diseases and Gastroenterology Specialist Dr. Atilla Bektaş said that gluten is a vegetable protein in bread, pasta, bulghur rice (pilav) or bakery products.
Emphasizing that the most important disease known gluten celiac Bektaş, the disease is seen in 1 percent of the population, endoscopy and serum tests may put the final diagnosis, he said.
Bektas, celiac patients should remove wheat, barley and rye from their tables, stressing, "a thin slice of bread one-15th or one-fourth of a spoon of flour needs to know that the complaints of the flour. So definitely wheat, barley, rye-containing foods should not be consumed" he said.
"Unground whole wheat bread is not harmful in any way"
Bektaş noted that whole grain flours should be preferred as wheat flour and made the following evaluation:
"Wheat bran and wheat germ are not grinded in whole wheat bread in any way. The World Health Organization is recommending whole grain products in the fight against obesity. Whole-grain foods also recommended by Harvard University this year among the 10 most valuable super nutrients. Apart from people with wheat allergy, many health problems may arise in the majority of those who are unnecessarily gluten-free.
President of Food Ingredients Association Mehmet Çetin Duruk made his presentation titled "How much additives a bread contains?"

Thanks for the wheat stuffs. Also, please check as well.