Up-to-date data of Yemeksepeti that sends 400 thousand orders per day...
Yemeksepeti, which delivers 400 thousand orders per day to its users, examined the order trends for the first 6 months of 2019 in order to see the direction of this change among its customers.
With the innovations brought by digitalization, consumers' lifestyle and eating habits change accordingly. Especially the younger generation no longer takes the time to cook at home. With these changing habits, millions of people are now ordering food online.
Average age of users who ordered the most is 27...
The average age of users who ordered the most meals from Yemeksepeti is 27. This proves that the younger generation in particular spends less time cooking at home. According to the survey, which is based on the first half of 2019, orders are given between 12.00 noon and 19.00-20.00 in the evening for the most weeks. According to this data, it is revealed that the highest number of orders come from working people in general. The average basket price is 40 TL.
75 percent of mobile orders from iOS...
More orders are made through mobile and 75 percent of it is iOS and 25 percent is Android users. Users mostly paid online with credit cards. Five percent of users preferred Yemeksepeti Wallet system.
The most ordered food in the first 6 months was 'lahmacun' and the soup was 'lentil soup'. Carbonated drinks were preferred more and 'chocolate souffle' was the first among the desserts. Carbonated drinks followed by 'ayran', water and freshly squeezing orange juice. After 'chocolate souffle', the most preferred desserts were 'künefe' and 'waffles', respectively.
Source: Gözde Ulukan

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