Disposable plastic bags prohibited in New Zealand...
Number of countries implementing similar prohibitions exceeded 80...
In New Zealand, the regulation prohibiting the use of disposable plastic bags to a very large extent entered into force.
As of July 1, 2019, the sale and use of disposable plastic bags by the markets and stores in the country has been banned to a large extent. For vegetables and meat products only, some products such as plastic bags with a thickness not exceeding 70 microns and garbage bags will apply exceptions.
100 thousand New Zealand dollars (375 thousand TL) will be applied to those who violate the ban.
A survey conducted by the country administration prior to the entry into force of the regulation showed that 62 percent of business owners supported the ban. However, after the regulation announced last August, the majority of the country's main supermarket chains have voluntarily stopped their use.

According to New Zealand Ministry of Environment data, the number of disposable plastic bags per person in the country varies between 154 and 323. Total annual consumption is between 750 million and 1.6 billion.
While New Zealand Environment Minister Eugenie Sage acknowledged that the ban is not so comprehensive as to combat plastic waste, but emphasizes the fact that the issue is about to be discussed in society, what's more to get rid of disposable plastics in the country and minimize plastic waste drew attention to the need to be discussed.
300 million tons of plastic waste generated per day...
Today, it is estimated that nearly 300 million tons of plastic waste is produced every day in the world and that the total amount of plastic produced since 1950 is equal to 8.3 billion tons.
The total weight of all plastic waste produced since 1950 is estimated at 8.3 billion tons, of which only 9 percent is recyclable. 12 percent of it has been tried to be disposed of by burning, 79 percent of it has been mixed with nature and accumulated in solid waste landfills. If the current situation continues in 2050 in the nature of the fish may be more plastic.
However, the increasing use of plastic also increases the use of oil. According to International Energy Agency forecasts, 20 percent of global oil production will be used for plastic production in 2050.
According to the United Nations Environment Program data, there are various regulations that prevent the use of disposable plastic bags in more than 80 countries.
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