Kayseri province have a key impact on the trout in inland waters, as the pup grows one out of every three trout exported from Turkey.
Kayseri have a key impact on fish production in landlocked provinces in Turkey, one out of every three trout fry grow as issued.
Millions of trout are produced on farms in the reservoirs of Kayseri and transferred to other farms while they are juvenile.
Kayseri Agriculture and Forestry Director Mustafa Şahin said that there are millions of fish on trout producing farms.
Pointing out that Kayseri takes place in the front among landlocked provinces regarding fish production, Şahin said:
"We are one of the first three in trout production. Kayseri in this sense, besides making the fish self-produced small portions, distributing fish fries on all four sides of Turkey. In particular, we have incubation households in our Pınarbaşı district. Here the young fish are a little more magnified in Yamula Dam on certain size. Then they are transferred to the Black Sea."

"One of the most important factors in eliminating the lack of protein in Turkey is eating fish. One out of every three trout goes abroad, produced in Kayseri as juvenile fish. Capacity as we have an amount of 33 thousand tons. We are currently walking with capacities of 20-21 thousand tons. On the other hand the fish business is seasonal" Şahin noted.
Emphasizing that Kayseri is at a good point in the production of trout, "After that, our efforts continue to sell to many countries of Europe. We are also looking forward to our investors in Kayseri" Şahin added...
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