Cotton harvest was completed in Antalya where one of Turkey's main cotton production centers. ANTBİRLİK General Manager Hasan Yıldız stated that they have purchased 18 thousand tons of seed cotton this year and said, "We aim to obtain approximately 9 thousand 500 tons of cotton press and 8 to 8.5 thousand tons of cotton seed from the seed cotton we have taken."
Antalya Cotton and Citrus Agricultural Sales Cooperatives Association (ANTBİRLİK), which is headquartered in Aksu district, prepared the cotton press obtained for sale after the harvest. In the first stage, cotton is harvested in the field and carried to ANTBİRLİK.

Cotton passes quality control...
Quality control expert Durmuş Yılmaz said taking a kg of sample cotton and ginning. Yılmaz also noted, "We see the amount of moisture in the price determination according to that. We go to the warehouse and gin machine after the control there is pressed."
We have contributed to the economy...
General Director of ANTBİRLİK Hasan Yıldız, who provided information about the harvest, explained that they have purchased about 18 thousand cottons this year. Yıldız stated that 45 thousand decares of cotton was harvested in the region, "We have received about 9 thousand 500 tons of seed cotton and 8 to 8.5 thousand tons of cotton seed we aim to obtain. We have distributed about 65 million liras to our partners and farmers so far. In this way, we have contributed to the economy," he added.
Yıldız continued his words as follows:
"3 years ago, the plantings were around 35-40 thousand decares, last year was around 55 thousand decares. This year we have around 45 thousand decares of planting area. We are doing our best to increase the cultivation of cotton field. We will continue to do in this sense and have 5 harvesting machines. What ise more ee established the logistics. We harvest the product in the field and carriy it to the factory. "
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