Federation of Food and Drink Industry Associations of Turkey (TGDF) Digital Data Panel's current report based on Turkstat's (Turkish Statistical Institute) periodically Foreign Trade Data has been published.
The Digital Data Panel, which TGDF has implemented in collaboration with Agrimetry, provides a lot of detailed information on the foreign trade of the Food and Agriculture Sector. The published data show that wheat stands out in imports and hazelnut stands out in exports.
Turkey's exports in food and agriculture sector in the 10 months to the same period last year, an increase to 14.37 billion dollars compared to the same period last year with an increase of 1%, while imports totalled 10.4 billion dollars, down 5.97%.

Foreign trade balance increased by 25.37% compared to the same period of the previous year and rose to 3.97 billion dollars.
Sub-sectors stand out in imports and exports...
As of the first 10 months of 2019, the top 3 export sectors were Sugar and Sugar Products (1.47 billion dollars), Fresh Fruits (1.17 billion dollars) and Hard Fruits (1.13 billion dollars).
Imports are in the top 3 Grain Trade (2.56 billion dollars), Livestock Feed (2.13 billion dollars) and Flour Sector ($ 1.71 billion dollars).
Vegetable Oil Sector, which ranked 3rd in imports in September, fell to 4th place with 1.69 billion dollars in October. Flour Sector imports increased due to the wheat import because of inward processing regime (210 million dollars) in October.
In the first 10 months of 2019, the 5 sectors with the highest increase in exports compared to the previous year were Hard Fruits, Sugar and Sugary Products, Fisheries and Aquaculture, Cocoa and Chocolate sector, Dairy Sector.
In the first 10 months of 2019, the decrease in imports of live animals was 968 million dollars and fresh fruit exports decreased by 182 million dollars compared to the previous year.
Products stand out in imports and exports...
In the first 10 months of 2019, the 3 most exported products were hazelnut (960 million dollars), flour (870 million dollars) and pasta (500 million dollars).
The most imported products were wheat (1.5 billion dollars), soybeans (800 million dollars) and Corn (600 million dollars).
Hazelnut export champion of October...
In terms of items, the three most exported items in October were Hazelnut (240 million dollars), Wheat Flour (100 million dollars) and Packaged Hazelnuts (90 million dollars).
The three most imported products in October were Wheat (210 million dollars), Soybeans (90 million dollars) and Durum Wheat (40 million dollars).
Countries and products in food foreign trade...
As of the first 10 months of 2019, Iraq (2 billion dollars), Germany (1.1 billion dollars) and Italy (700 million dollars) were the most exported countries in food and agricultural products. The most imported countries were the Russian Federation (2 billion dollars), Ukraine (1.1 billion dollars) and Brazil (900 million dollars).
Iraq (230 million dollars), Italy (190 million dollars) and Germany (160 million dollars) were the top three exporters in October, while the top three importers were the Russian Federation (240 million dollars), Ukraine (150 million dollars) and Brazil (150 million dollars). 60 million dollars).
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