Non-Toxic Tables Campaign...
95 institutions and initiatives came together with the desire to 'ban agricultural poisons that harm nature and human beings' and launched the 'Non-Toxic Tables' campaign. Campaign together with civil society organizations in Turkey will go down to the field to collect 1 million signatures to transmit the ministry to ban pesticides.
The non-toxic dinner table civil society network has three requests from the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry.
The first of these; 13 active substances (Difenacoum, ethoprophos, cyfluthrin, beta-cyfluthrin, zeta-cypermethrin, fenamiphos, formetanate X formetanate hydrochloride, which are identified as extremely dangerous', highly dangerous and potentially carcinogenic by the World Health Organization methiocarb, methomyl, tefluthrin, zinc phosphide, glyphosate, malathion).

The second one; banning all pesticides until 2030 and taking the necessary steps for agricultural production using environmentally friendly, non-toxic techniques. Encouraging the use of environmentally friendly farming methods and small producers engaged in agriculture through these methods and encouraging them to use non-toxic methods. Increasing controls on pesticides used in agricultural and food products are among these demands.
Pesticides; a name given to toxic chemicals used against various factors other than crops grown on agricultural land. Poisoned Tables also object to the name 'medicine' given to these chemicals and underline that the drug is intended to heal people, saying that pesticides harm nature and human beings. These chemicals cause serious diseases such as obesity, infertility and cancer in humans and can cause neurological disorders in children.
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