Press release...
"World Olive Day" arranged for the ninth time in our country was celebrated with activities organized by Çeşme (a district of Izmir province) Municipality. Mayor M. Ekrem Oran planting 100 olive tree saplings in Germiyan village, "The olive tree is the most important heritage that we will leave to our children," he said.

Çeşme Municipality, which aims to make Çeşme the locomotive of the Aegean in terms of agriculture as well as tourism, celebrated the “World Olive Day" with a series of events.
Mayor M. Ekrem Oran, Republican People's Party Çeşme District President Sait Kavasoğullar, Germiyan village headman Şadan Kaya, members of the municipal council participated in the celebrations along with local people.
Nedim Ekmekçiler, from the Zeytindostu Association, presented a photo presentation of olive and olive oil from the antiquity to the present with poetry and music and Zeynep Aktürk also made a presentation of Correct Quality Production Methods in Olive and Olive Oil.
After the presentations, Agricultural Engineer Ahmet Keçeci made a speech regarding “Olives in Çeşme”, Çeşme Chamber of Agriculture Chairman Süleyman Özer “Hurma Olives", Çeşme Municipality Agriculture and Livestock Projects Officer Kazım Beyaz also made an interview on "Çeşme Municipality Olives Projects".
As part of the "World Olive Day" celebration activities, the painting exhibition titled "Olives" opened by the Zeytindostu Association at the Germiyan Old Flour Mill and attracted great interest from local people of Çeşme.
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