Press release...
December 13, 2019, Ankara, Turkey -
The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) celebrated the 'International Mountain Day' held in METU Technopolis CoZone on December 11 evening.
On the celebrated day under the theme of 'Mountains are important for young generations' the importance of the role of young people as active agents of change and future leaders in the protection of mountain ecosystems was discussed.

Mountain Partnership Programme began with a short video message prepared addressing to Turkey.
Afterwards FAO Central Asia Sub-Regional Coordinator and Representative of Turkey Viorel Gutu made a speech and pointed out the mountains that make 15 percent of the houses of the global population and living in the mountains 1.1 billion people create a food source for more. Stressing that the climate crisis and its disasters affect the mountains and the resources it offers us.
"It is no coincidence that this year's theme is 'Mountains are important for young generations'. Young people are not only agents of change and future leaders; they are also protectors of mountains and natural resources. With this year's theme, we are honored to offer young people the opportunity to become a pioneer in order to make the mountains and mountain communities more on the agenda of the international community," Gutu concluded...
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