Etabal Chairman of the Board Ahmet Bağran Aksoy, one of the experienced names of the industry, who stated that the production could fall this year due to the epidemic in China, the biggest honey producer in the world, addressed both producers and consumers and said, "Unfortunately, most of the honey producers in our country are at an age that our doctors see as a risk group so they should take of themselves much more thas as usual. Besides our people should also prefer mixtures prepared with products such as raw honey, pollen, royal jelly and propolis, which will increase body resistance these days and should strictly follow the doctors' warnings."
Emphasizing that increasing productivity in honey and bee products is in direct proportion to spring care in hives, Etabal Chairman of the Board Ahmet Bağran Aksoy explained that it is a great misfortune that the hive maintenance time coincides with the outbreak of COVID 19, which affects the whole world.

"Due to the outbreak in China, world's largest honey producer, yield could fall this year but in order not to experience the same fate, Turkey as the second largest producer, beekeepers must comply strictly with all warnings of experts," Aksoy noted.
"A decrease may be experienced in honey supply"
Pointing out the economic situation of the epidemic, Aksoy warned, “China, the world's largest honey producer, is in a difficult situation at present due to the epidemic. If Turkey as major supplier will have the same complications, a considerable decrease might be experienced.
In this case, the price of honey and bee products may increase. We do not want the price of honey and other products, which are of great importance for nutrition, to rise. Our country has been running the process so successfully. We will survive this bad period with the least loss."
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