Hakkı Bahar, Chairman of the Western Mediterranean Exporters' Association said that while exports slowed down in some sectors due to the new type of coronavirus (Covid-19) epidemic, an increase was observed in the fresh vegetable and fruit sector...

Stating that 858 thousand tons of exports were made in the fresh vegetables and fruits industry during the period of January 1 - March 19 last year, 455 million dollars of foreign exchange was provided from this, "This year, 956 thousand tons of fresh vegetables and fruits exports made and 581 million dollars in revenue obtained in the same period. There was an increase of 11.35 percent in kilograms and 27.6 percent in the foreign currency point entering the country," Bahar said.
Russia is the first in exports...
Bahar stated that in this period, exports were made to 85 countries in the sector. Pointing out that Russia is in the first place in exports; Romania, Ukraine, Iraq, Germany, Bulgaria, Poland, Serbia, Georgia and Saudi Arabia follow Russia.
Route turned towards Turkey...
Emphasizing that people could not compromise on food as long as they live, "Coronavirus outbreak stopped producing large companies in Europe who stricken heavily so the route was forwarded to Turkey. Our small companies today are sufficient enough both themself and the world," he added.

Explaining that disasters such as storms and whirlwinds occurred in Antalya in the same period last year and this situation also affected production, Bahar noted that this year, there was no situation that would negatively affect production.
"Exports thrive with the increase in production, exports continue increasingly in the fresh vegetables and fruits sector," Bahar concluded...
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