The six-month in-depth field study on food losses and waste in fruit and vegetable value chains, including apples, plums, peaches, tomatoes, cabbages and peppers in North Macedonia, was conducted by the NGO Ajde Makedonija under the technical cooperation programme of FAO Office for Europe and Central Asia. The Programme is supporting the formulation of national strategies for food loss and waste reduction in Albania, Armenia, Moldova and North Macedonia.
For this detailed study, the research team was trained to use FAO's food loss analysis methodology comprising a screening stage (interviews with experts and review of the literature), field activities (surveying and sampling) and synthesis.

Based on the results of the field study, the research team made recommendations on the development of the level of competence and strengthening of value chains through incentives system; increased financial, infrastructural, and administrative support for cooperatives; capacity development and promotion of innovation. These recommendations informed the discussion by a working group of the key elements of a national strategy for the prevention and reduction of food loss and waste in North Macedonia.
As a next step, an analysis of the legislation and policies relating to food loss and waste will be carried out in order to identify whether the current framework favours or, on the contrary, prevents innovative action in the management of food loss and waste and whether adjustments are needed.
Using the data collected from field surveys and analysis of legislation and policies, a comprehensive strategic food loss and waste reduction program will be developed and policy and regulatory frameworks and processes will be strengthened.
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