Federation of Food and Drink Industry Associations of Turkey (TGDF) Chairman Şemsi Kopuz, in his written statement, drew attention to the potential problems regarding food supply chain during the struggle held with Covid-19.
“Precautions should be taken for possible problems in food supply”
Kopuz said, "As of TGDF we would like to suggest that in this process, we both support the measures taken and strive to supply uninterrupted food to our society with all our manufacturers. Meanwhile we have determined the possible challenges that we might have in the forthcoming days after some consultations we carried on."

Kopuz warned and continued as follows; "Urgent precautions must be taken against the damages that may occur on the agricultural sector, which is the most basic pillar of food production. Because the loss of labour force, imbalances and uncertainties that will arise at the point of demand carry the risk of unpredictable deterioration in the yield balance in many products. Such a deterioration may cause serious losses not only in the production domestic market but also in export markets in the medium and long term. Therefore, agriculture sector has become more important than ever. Measures to protect, encourage and encourage farmers should be put into action immediately.
“Food industrialists should be included in economic measure packages”
Explaining that food and beverage industry consists of SMEs 98 percent by its structure, Kopuz also noted, "We can see that the current measures are directed at sales and consumption points, but food manufacturers, who are the main suppliers, are ignored. However, despite the short time after the measures to prevent the epidemic, the collection and cash flow of our businesses came to a halt due to the contraction in sales and consumption points, creating a serious financial risk on our businesses."
“Logistics-supply chain should be scrutinized”
"On the other hand, for the uninterrupted continuation of production and food supply, the problems experienced in the logistics-supply chain need to be examined urgently. Because the problems arising in the process of transporting our raw materials to the factories on the one hand and delivering our products to the consumers on the other hand, grows exponentially," Kopuz added.

"We cannot say that the food supply is safe and will be in an environment where these problems can be solved. TGDF Turkey as representative of the largest food and beverage industry, the problems in this context that we prepare and comprehensive report regarding the solutions were shared with relevant institutions. Our expectations; Taking the necessary steps urgently by taking into consideration our solution suggestions for the problems we underline," Kopuz concluded...
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