On behalf of the International Society of Citriculture (ISC) and the Organizing Committee of the 14th International Citrus Congress (ICC 2020), we are very pleased to invite participants from public and private research and institutions, and from the production and commercial sector to attend the ICC 2020 that will be held in Mersin, Turkey, from 8-13 November 2020, under the theme “Reframing Citriculture: Better Connections for Future”. The Congress is being organized by the Mediterranean Exporters' Association (MEA), Çukurova University (ÇU) and National Citrus Council (NCC). These three institutions will cooperate with universities, research institutes, associations, companies, growers, exporters and sponsors. The Congress that will be realized with attendance of all stakeholders concerning whole citrus industry attracts attention with all activities including a number of workshop, plenary, oral presentation and poster sessions which cover policies, comments, approaches under the theme “Reframing Citriculture: Better Connections for Future”. So citrus will be reframe for better connection in future
Historians believe that the ancestor of the citrus trees, Citrus medica L., was introduced from India into Anatolia (Turkey) in the late 4th century BC. Today, Turkey is the 8th largest citrus producer in the World. Total citrus production of Turkey was 4.902.052 t. Oranges are the main citrus fruit grown in Turkey, accounting for about 43% of total production (1.900.000 t). Orange production is followed by mandarins (1.650.000 t), lemons (1.100.000 t), grapefruit (250.000 t) and others (2.052 t). Citrus area has expanded rapidly and reached 135.643 ha. This expansion is driven by domestic and export demands. It is believed that Turkey has a production potential at least three times of the present level. (TUIK, 2018)
The major citrus producing areas are located along Turkey's southern Mediterranean (88%) and Aegean coastal plains (12%), where typical mild or cool Mediterranean subtropical climate prevails. The most producer provinces are Adana (1.142.686 t), Mersin (1.052.992 t) and Hatay (906.392 t) in the Eastern Mediterranean. The Mediterranean climate is more suitable for high quality citrus; continue to shift to citrus from field crops (cotton and grains) because of its more attractive returns. In these regions, high quality citrus fruit production is oriented particularly towards fresh fruit markets and consumption.
Most of Turkey's citrus production is used for the local fresh fruit market and for export. Turkey has a significant place in international citrus trade, particularly in fresh citrus fruit exports. In the total global fresh citrus fruit export, Turkey was the second in the world. In recent years, exports of citrus, especially mandarin, have steadily increased.
The first settlement in Mersin, the host city of ICC 2020, which is known as Cilicia in ancient times, dates as far back as to the New Stone Age. It is one of the important ports of the Mediterranean and the center of maritime commerce just as it was during ancient times. As a settlement of dominant powers since Neolithic Period, Mersin hosts many archaeological and historical monuments remaining from Chalcolithic, Hittite, Roman, Byzantine and Ottoman civilizations. Therefore, many important figures in the history of civilization, such as Alexander the Great, Saint Paul, Cleopatra, Aya Thecla, Prophet Daniel, lived in this area and changed the course of history.
During the congress, a great many scientific activities such as plenary and ordinary sessions, workshops and poster display to establish new links and collaborations among participants will be carried out by well-appointed scientists who will come from all of the world. Furthermore, participants will find opportunities to see both Turkish citrus industries and historical background by technic and social pre, mid and post Congress tours.
We look forward to meeting you in Turkey.
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