The First Trade Delegation of the Year Held in Qatar...
A trade delegation was held between February 29th and March 4th to Doha, capital of Qatar, under the organization of the Turkish Exporters' Assembly (TİM). 34 Turkish exporters from 28 companies attended the delegation where a Turkish-Qatar Business Forum was held, followed by more than 500 business meetings between Qatari and Turkish companies.
"We are in good economic terms with Qatar, where we have very good political relations. During the business meetings held in Qatar, our exporters have conducted successful meetings in securing cooperation in new sectors, ranging from marble to electronic products, from ready wear and textile to telecommunications” said TIM Chairman Ismail Gülle.

Exporters held their first Trade Delegation of the year 2020 in Qatar. The trade delegation was organized under the aegis of the Ministry of Trade and the organization of TİM with the cooperation of the Turkish Airlines, between February 29th and March 4th in Doha, the capital city of the State of Qatar. 34 business people from 28 companies operating in the ready-to-eat food, marble, construction, furniture, ready wear and textile, telecommunications, prefabricated buildings, electronic products, cleaning supplies and fruit and vegetable products sectors participated in the Qatar Trade Delegation. Qatari and Turkish companies held over 500 business meetings during the B2B meetings session that started right after the Business Forum.
We are striving to improve relations with Qatar...
Evaluating the business meetings held with Qatari Business circles, "There are strong ties between the two countries, both politically and economically. As active operators in the field of trade we make efforts, especially in developing economic relations. During the business meetings held in Qatar, our exporters have conducted successful meetings in establishing new cooperation in many sectors, ranging from marble to furnitures sector, from ready wear and textile to telecommunications” said TIM Chairman Ismail Gülle.

Defense and Aviation Industry takes the leadPointing out that the facilitations of Qatar to foreign investors and companies is very important for Turkish companies to come to Qatar, İsmail Gülle said: “We are making a significant contribution to the growth of our country with 95 thousand exporters, composed of 90 thousand goods exporters and 5,000 service exporters. At this point, we attach importance to bilateral meetings to improve our trade with countries. In this sense, the organization that was held in Qatar is very valuable. We have mutual trade with Qatar that develops every year, so it is one of the important countries for the Turkish exporters. While the exports we made to Qatar in 2018 were 1.1 billion dollars, we managed to increase this figure to 1.2 billion dollars last year. The top three sectors exporting to Qatar were the Defense and Aviation Industry with $ 186.2 million, the Chemical Materials and Products with $ 121.8 million, the Furniture, Paper and Forest Products sectors with $ 91.7 million. I believe that our exporters will continue to contribute to our exports by steadily continuing their success”.
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