Turkey Pasta Industrialists Association (TMSD) Board Member Aykut Göymen said that although the domestic market demand of pasta increased in Turkey due to the outbreak, it is a sector with a production capacity of up to 4 times and any difficulty related to the pasta stock in the country would not happen.

Commenting on the subject, operating in Gaziantep Organized Industrial Zone, Mutlu Makarnacılık Chairman of the Board Aykut Göymen stressed that no hike in prices and empty shelves will be filled quickly, so all citizens should feel comfortable.
'Demand much over the normal"
Stating that the demand is much higher than normal, Göymen also noted, "It is true that all markets are full up. Because the demand coming to us from the domestic market is much higher than normal. But I can clearly say to our nation that there is no problem here."
"Our production power four times bigger"
The fact that they have an industry capable of producing up to 4 times than the demand of the domestic market in Turkey, Göymen added, "The production of pasta in Turkey was 2 million 500 thousand tons in total. However, our domestic market demand is 600 thousand tons, that is, a sector with almost 4 times the production power. I especially want our nation to be comfortable."
"No marking up prices in industry"
Emphasizing that their company has a 450 thousand tons of production capacity solely, Göymen concluded, "We are the biggest company of Turkey's domestic capital. The production capacity of Mutlu pasta industry is almost enough to meet the domestic market by itself, at the level of 450 thousand tons. And now all sector has enough wheat raw material stock, there is absolutely no hesitation. Our citizens get comfortable, the reason for the emptying of the shelves is that people consume 5 packs instead of 1 pack. We replace them quickly. There are various actions we take as a company. As a sector, we first stopped our export production and turned to the domestic market. Lastly no company of our industry has marked up the price."
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