Pasta Producers and Industrialists' Association (MÜSAD) Vice President Fatih Doğan said that there is no shortage of pasta in Turkey since it exists pasta stock for two years.

Golda Gıda Inc. General Manager and Pasta Producers and Industrialists' Association Vice President Fatih Doğan said, "Annual domestic consumption is 600 thousand tons in Turkey. While 2 million and 900 thousand tons of pasta produced in Turkey so it is sufficient for 2 years."
Stating that annual production of Turkey is fivefold of domestic consumption, Doğan explained,
"In this situation there is no indication that will make distress and panic. In the city of Karaman, only we as Golda Gıda manufacture 12 million of packages of pasta per month. Meanwhile our shipment is continuing uninterruptedly throughout the country."
"Our factory sustains to run as three shifts with 320 staff. Furthermore despite the negative fallout of Covid-19, we accelerated our exports again. We strive our best to avoid trouble in Turkey's economy. as Golda factory. We heightened our capacity and increased our production from 10 million packages to 12 million packages. We continue to produce at full speed, so as not to cause trouble," Doğan added.
"Pasta prices not changed."
Pointing out that they have not made any hike in pasta prices, Doğan also noted, "Pasta prices have not changed since beginning of this year and still are sold between 2.2 - 3.05 liras. On top of that we don't think of having wheat shortage in pasta production."

"There are sufficient amount of raw material and wheat enough of four months in stocks of all pasta manufacturing sites. As a matter of fact new crop will be available in seventh month so no problem for almost 2 years for pasta shortage. Repeating again, we are able to produce five times the amount of pasta at the moment," Doğan concluded...
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