Thyme is produced in an area of 145 thousand decares in Denizli province...
Denizli Agriculture and Forestry Provincial Manager Yılmaz Erkaya said that thyme production started in Denizli in 1992, they distributed thyme seeds in the 2000s and thyme is produced in Pamukkale, Güney, Buldan, Çal, Tavas districts in Denizli province in an area of 145 thousand decares.

Giving information that thyme production in Denizli reached 16 thousand tons in 2019, Erkaya said, "In the free market, the kilogram of thyme was sold in the range of 8-9 TL, our thyme producer earned 125 million TL. We are developing projects to make Denizli as a 'Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Center'. We are also working to establish licensed warehousing with the Denizli Commodity Exchange regarding Thyme."
Turkey exports thyme to 108 countries...
While Turkey exported thyme worth of 54 million 40 thousand dollars to 108 countries and free zones, United States took place at the summit with 10 million 522 thousand dollars.

Germany imported 5 million 39 thousand dollars of thyme. Turkey sent to the Netherlands 1 million 557 thousand dollars worth of thyme.
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