Press release...
Ankara, Turkey, April 9, 2020
The epidemic of COVID-19, which is declared as an pandemic worldwide by the World Health Organization (WHO), has more striking than ever before the importance of food production for human life. Nowadays, we live the days when countries confiscate each other's masks and medical supplies. The risks that may arise due to the decrease in food supply due to the epidemic and the breaks in the supply chain, are the issues that need to be taken and be prepared.
As the institution that determines and executes policies related to agriculture, animal husbandry and food production in our country, the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry has a duty to plan, coordinate and organize more than ever.
The Health and Food Policies Board established under the Presidency has been arranged in the form of two different boards as the Food, Agriculture, Forestry and Livestock Board and the Health and Social Policies Board. The establishment of a separate board on food, agriculture and animal husbandry and the development of policies and strategies in this regard shows how serious the issue is.

The scientific committee created with the COVID-19 outbreak once again shows that regardless of the subject, the problems can only be solved more easily and accurately with the polyphonic voice of those who are experts in the field. Our expectation from the newly created board; It does not fall into old mistakes and it produces concrete policies focused on solution by not keeping the issues such as food, food production, food supply chain, employment, control and problems in the field in the background and realizing them immediately.
For this reason, as TMMOB Chamber of Food Engineers, we say that; The Food, Agriculture, Forestry and Livestock Board must include representatives of scientists, non-governmental organizations, relevant occupational chambers, industrialists, who are in every stage of the chain, starting from the producer in the field or on the farm, until they come to the table of consumers. Only in this way, correct policies and strategies can be developed that provide food safety and food security, are beneficial to all segments and are used in line with the purpose of the resources.
Our chamber is ready to take part in this matter for our people, colleagues and our profession.
TMMOB Chamber of Food Engineers
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