TOBB President Hisarcıklıoğlu spoke at the 'Digital Agriculture Market' (DİTAP) introductory meeting...
The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) President Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu announced that the Digital Agricultural Market is a project that will allow to balance of supply and demand in the market by enhancing efficiency of Turkey's agricultural ecosystem.

TOBB President Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu participated in the introduction meeting of Digital Agricultural Market by video conferencing method held by Minister of Agriculture and Forestry Dr. Bekir Pakdemirli.
Stating that the discussions of 'domestic production' and 'being self-sufficient country' around the world have reignited during the epidemic of new types of Coronavirus (Covid-19), Hisarcıklıoğlu noted, "Discourses like self sufficiency in agriculture, local and national production and food security gained much more importance in this process. Agriculture and food will be more important than ever in the coming years."
Underlining that Turkey is an agricultural exporter country and with 275 billion liras of agricultural output ranks first in Europe, also in the top 10 ten in the world, Hisarcıklıoğlu stated, "Turkey imports 12.7 billion dollars but exports 18 billion dollars in terms of agriculture and food exports. So our country is a net exporter in this regard with a 5.3 billion dollars of surplus. But we should not be content with it. Through this project, we actually shoot two birds with one stone. In the 'Digital Market' where the contracted agriculture model is applied, the buyer and the seller come together at the beginning of the road and get along again. Everyone knows his responsibility. In other words, with this mechanism, uncertainty decreases in the market, everyone can see and plan ahead."
I believe this market thrives in the future and prevent periodic price fluctuations in agricultural products by maintaning the equilibrium in supply and demand. On the other hand 'contract farming' is flourishing in Turkey. We know that 'contract farming' is one of the most efficient systems used in agricultural production by developed countries. 'Contract farming' is held almost 40 percent in USA and 50 percent in European Union today. As a result we will continue to work together with 113 commodity exchanges and product specialized exchanges across Turkey for the faster growth of the Digital Agriculture Market," Hisarcıklıoğlu concluded...
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