Future CAP needs to support smart technologies uptake for all-size farms: Contractor vouchers have a role to play...
CEETTAR and CEMA call on Member States to devise technology vouchers fostering precision farming in Europe
Press release...
Brussels 18 of September 2019 – A more sustainable, competitive and modern agriculture in Europe will certainly call for increasing the use of precision farming technologies. Reducing the application of inputs, improving knowledge on soil quality or facilitating day-to-day farm data management are some of the operations that can be improved by adopting smart technologies in agriculture.
However, the challenges are immense. An ageing farm workforce in the agricultural sector together with a limited capacity to invest in new technologies slows down the equipment renewal’s pace. As a result, the use of precision farming tools remains low in Europe compared to other agricultural developed regions.
To reverse the trend, CEETTAR the European Confederation of Agricultural, Rural and Forestry Contractors and CEMA, the European Agricultural Machinery Industry Association have come together to propose an innovative incentive in the form of “smart technologies voucher” under the CAP 2021 – 2027 that would allow farmers to access advanced technologies delivered by land-based contractors.
“For CEETTAR, to support the use of innovative technologies in all agricultural, rural and forestry activities. Member States should design their national strategic plans towards issuing a smart technologies voucher to the farmer and the forest owner, to be released by the contractor. The amount of the annual voucher would be calculated on a given percentage of the total cost of the service representing the precision agriculture part of it”, said Klaus Pentzlin, President of CEETTAR.

“To be consistent with its own priorities the next CAP should encourage investment in modern efficient machinery and Precision Agriculture Technologies. By using modern and adequate equipment and skilled workforce from contractors, all types of farms will benefit from the same level of technology according to their size”, stressed CEMA Strategic Committee Chair Gilles Dryancour.

The joint position paper released today explains how the “smart technology voucher” would work in practice and it also includes a list of precision agriculture technologies that could be considered as a starting point suggested by both associations.
About CEETTAR...
The European Confederation of Agricultural, Rural and Forestry Contractors CEETTAR, established in 1961, represents about 150,000 companies and nearly 600,000 workers. It aims to represent the interests of land-based contractors in Europe. In 2014, the European Network of Forestry Entrepreneurs decided to merge with CEETTAR, resulting in a stronger and more representative single organisation representing land-based contractors at EU level.
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About CEMA...
CEMA aisbl is the association representing the European agricultural machinery industry. With 11 national member associations, the CEMA network represents both large multinational companies and numerous European SMEs active in this sector. The industry comprises about 7,000 manufacturers, producing more than 450 different types of machines with an annual turnover of about €40 billion (EU28 - 2016) and 150,000 direct employees. CEMA companies produce a large range of machines that cover any activity in the field from seeding to harvesting, as well as equipment for livestock management.
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