Lavender production was tested for the first time in Gümüşhane province and a 100 percent success was achieved. Farmers will earn 5 thousand liras every year for 30 years from a 1 decare lavender garden.
Gümüşhane, the only city whose name of a valuable mineral in Turkey, sending fruits to Ottoman palaces, the gene center of Rosehip fruit, studies gained speed in order to increase the range of products in vegetable production.
Walnut action plan and the source of gluten-free flour with a variety of herbal products starting with wheat this time, the most valuable medicinal and aromatic plants of the lavender plant trial planting was carried out and a 100 percent success was achieved.
Within the scope of the "Assessment of idle agricultural lands and modernization of crop production" project implemented by the Gümüşhane Agriculture and Forestry Directorate with the support of DOKAP (Eastern Black Sea Development Project) last year, approximately 100 thousand lavender seedlings were planted in 50 decares of 10 producers determined in Kelkit and Şiran districts of Gümüşhane. The number of seedlings to 100 decares in this area next year will be increased to 200 thousand.
Due to intense demand throughout the province, 100 thousand lavender seedlings will be distributed more next year and oil extraction unit in the province to extract the lavender oil will be established this year.
While a litre of lavender oil which takes place among the 15 world's most valuable essential oils operates around 600 liras, Turkey is turning off 8-10 litres of oil in general. Because of being a plant in shrub form, the lavender blooms for 30 years after being planted and will provide at least 5 thousand liras income to the producer at current prices per decare per year.

Provincial Director of Agriculture and Forestry Edip Birşen said that the first time applied of lavender project hit the success across Gümüşhane.
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